Thursday, January 23, 2014


Aivot tarvitsevat erityisesti rasvaa ja energiaa toimiakseen. Jos syöt huonolaatuista ruokaa, aivosi kärsivät ensimmäisenä. Ruokavaliossa kannattaa olla ns. aivoruokaa eli aivoille hyvää tekeviä ruoka-aineita. Öljyt ovat erittäin tärkeitä, mutta myös aivojen aktivointi on tärkeää (vaikka ristisanatehtävien avulla). Erityisesti omega-3 öljyjen ja kookosöljyn lisääminen ruokavalioon kannattaa tehdä pikimmiten.

Muutamia aivoruokia:
1. Rasvainen lohi (omega-3)
2. Kookosöljy
3. Kananmunat (koliini auttaa muistiin)
4. Pähkinät
5. Luomukaurapuuro (ei pikahiutaleet, muista keittää riittävän kauan n. 15 min.)
6. Marjat (antioksidantteja, marjojen siemenet hyviä omega-lähteitä)
7. Pavut
9. Salvia
8. Vihannekset kuten tomaatti, bataatti, kurpitsa, porkkana ja pinaatti

Soijalesitiinistä valmistettava fosfoseriini on ravintolisä, joka vaikuttaa suotuisasti muistiin ja vanhemmilla ihmisillä henkisen tason laskuun. Google Scholarin kautta löytyy monia tutkimuksia fosfoseriiniin "phosphatidylserine; memory"


Both are important and it is a good idea to get about equal share of them to your diet. Soluble fiber slows down digestion, which provides important vitamins and minerals to be absorbed by the intestine. Insoluble fiber remains relatively intact and sweeps through the digestive system, pushing the waste. This type of fiber adds bulk to the stool in the intestines that moves more easily.

An average of 21 to 25 grams (women), 30 to 38 grams (men ) * .

Insoluble fiber is often the shell of the fruit or vegetable or grains. Apple´s internal part of the shell is soluble fiber and insoluble fiber is the outer shell. Insoluble are f.i: cucumber peel, apple peel, grape peel, pea shells, cabbage, lettuce, onion and bell pepper and popcorn . Whole-grain cereals contain a lot of insoluble fiber . If you buy cereal products, see the bag labeled  "whole grain",whole wheat".

Dried fruits, dates and prunes help with constipation due to insoluble fiber, which pushes the fecal forward.

* - Institute of Medicine


Molemmat ovat tärkeitä ruokavaliossasi ja molempia on hyvä saada suunnilleen yhtä paljon. Liukoinen kuitu hidastaa ruoansulatusta, joka antaa tärkeille vitamiineille ja kivennäisaineille aikaa imeytyä suolistossa. Liukenematon kuitu pysyy suhteellisen ehjänä ja pyyhkäisee läpi ruoansulatuskanavan työntäen jätettä. Tämäntyyppinen kuitu lisää irtotavaraa ulosteessa joka liikkuu suolistossa helpommin.

Kuidun tarve on keskimäärin 21-25 grammaa (naiset), 30-38 grammaa (miehet)*.


Liukunematon kuitu on monesti hedelmän tai vihanneksen suojakuori. Omenan kuoren sisäinen osa on liukoista kuitua ja ulkokuori liukenematonta.
Liukunemattomia ovat esimerkiksi: Kurkun kuori, omenan kuori, viinirypäleen kuori, herneen kuori, kaali, salaatti, sipuli ja paprika ja ehkä vähän yllättäen popcorni. Kokojyväviljat sisältävät paljon liukenematonta kuitua. Jos ostat viljatuotteita, katso, että pussissa lukee "kokojyvävilja" (whole grain, whole wheat). Popcornit.

Kuivatut hedelmät, taatelit ja luumut auttavat ummetukseen liukenemattomien kuitujen ansiosta, jotka työntävät ulostemassaa eteenpäin.

* - Institute of Medicine

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Meaning of the keys

Sometimes the solutions are here, even if we can´t see them. It took some years for me to figure the solution. Now when I see it, I´m stunned!

We get messages through concrete daily happening´s. We just have to open our eyes to see the solution. I know there is a message in this. What might it be?
Car 1 (spouse´s car): It has had very complicated key problem since we bought it 3 years ago. There are 2 different keys that are needed for daily driving: 
- 1 key to ignition and
- 1 to the right door (left door lock is not working), no spare. Even getting in to the car
has been adventurous sometimes.

Key-experts have said there is no cheap way to make a new one. Long story, but that´s irrelevant. Now I found one key-master who is making new ones. He told me that I should take the old lock out of the door, so he´ll fix it to work in symbiosis with the ignition key. I tried to take the old lock for 3 hours but it seemed impossible. Later I found out that I don´t need to take it out. So I did all fixing work for "nothing."

Now the solution has been found and it is so simple that I´m confused, in a good way.
First, the lock of the left door started to work when I tried it again. I poured some oil, again, and it just simply started to work. I´m stunned :) Especially, cause I was told it will never work again.

- I have 2 new keys, allthough I was told that they´re expensive if possible at all.
- The original keylock for left door started working

Another, lock problem started just 2 weeks ago:
Car 2 (My car): driver´s side lock broke down and it´s very hard to get in, sometimes I have to get in from another side. The same key-expert can fix it, not in a normal way but it´s doable. Isn´t it interesting that there are so many challenges with the keys?

What is mutual for these is that there is a solution and has always been there! Also easier than I thought it might be. It took 3 years for me to figure out the mystery of car 1´s locks. Mainly cause I listened one expert´s advice. OMG :) Confusing isn´t it?

Ps. After 4 days of these events above I went to a shop where I got keys. I tried to open the extra-lock for 20 minutes before I got in. There is a problem with the mechanics of the lock and it needs to be fixed no doubt about that but it just shows that I have a thing going on with the locks now!