Sunday, January 19, 2014


Meaning of the keys

Sometimes the solutions are here, even if we can´t see them. It took some years for me to figure the solution. Now when I see it, I´m stunned!

We get messages through concrete daily happening´s. We just have to open our eyes to see the solution. I know there is a message in this. What might it be?
Car 1 (spouse´s car): It has had very complicated key problem since we bought it 3 years ago. There are 2 different keys that are needed for daily driving: 
- 1 key to ignition and
- 1 to the right door (left door lock is not working), no spare. Even getting in to the car
has been adventurous sometimes.

Key-experts have said there is no cheap way to make a new one. Long story, but that´s irrelevant. Now I found one key-master who is making new ones. He told me that I should take the old lock out of the door, so he´ll fix it to work in symbiosis with the ignition key. I tried to take the old lock for 3 hours but it seemed impossible. Later I found out that I don´t need to take it out. So I did all fixing work for "nothing."

Now the solution has been found and it is so simple that I´m confused, in a good way.
First, the lock of the left door started to work when I tried it again. I poured some oil, again, and it just simply started to work. I´m stunned :) Especially, cause I was told it will never work again.

- I have 2 new keys, allthough I was told that they´re expensive if possible at all.
- The original keylock for left door started working

Another, lock problem started just 2 weeks ago:
Car 2 (My car): driver´s side lock broke down and it´s very hard to get in, sometimes I have to get in from another side. The same key-expert can fix it, not in a normal way but it´s doable. Isn´t it interesting that there are so many challenges with the keys?

What is mutual for these is that there is a solution and has always been there! Also easier than I thought it might be. It took 3 years for me to figure out the mystery of car 1´s locks. Mainly cause I listened one expert´s advice. OMG :) Confusing isn´t it?

Ps. After 4 days of these events above I went to a shop where I got keys. I tried to open the extra-lock for 20 minutes before I got in. There is a problem with the mechanics of the lock and it needs to be fixed no doubt about that but it just shows that I have a thing going on with the locks now!


  1. Well, things always happen for a reason, and how or why your key started working all of a sudden again, perhaps this comes as a huge surprise. However, there is often an underlying message relating to its symbolism that is something that perhaps you need to receive?

    Perhaps before, you tried too impatiently to get it to open? When maybe you just needed to relax more, take your time, have patience and so it would work again.

    Keys are symbols of opening and closing - both physically and magically, a key can both unlock and lock things. It can incarcerate something or someone, or it can set it free.

    Locks and keys affect our lives in various ways. Because it has this dual meaning - to unlock/set free or lock/incarcerate, it can appear to be a symbolism of something that is little 'antagonistic'.

    We turn the key in the lock one way, and deprive someone of their liberty. Turn it the other way and we set them free. The lock doesn't work without its key, and vice versa. Sometimes the symbol of a key means the difference between life and death.

    This 'antagonistic' symbolism relates to the ability to be on both sides of the same argument, and you may turn this way or you may turn the other way. Perhaps you need to consider turning in the 'right' way (maybe the opposite of what you've been doing), so that you do set yourself free?

    Keys also give us security – we can lock our door and we know that no one else has the key.

    Don't become a prisoner and lock/box yourself in, now use the symbolism of key to your advantage. Keys can give you access to knowledge that was previously hidden, so you'll need to consciously draw on/tap into your own key to open it and access your own hidden knowledge. Once you do this, you can set yourself free.

    1. Thank you Liz!
      Key-words that I found in your reply were:
      - relax, patience, unlock and lock.
      - Use the symbolism of key to your advantage.
      - Keys can give you access to knowledge that was previously hidden.
      - Set yourself free!
      I sure try now :) God bless you!
